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4600 Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2K5

🍁 Proudly Canadian

🍁 Proudly Canadian

Incandescent Lamp Shapes

Incandescent lamps come in various shapes and sizes, all designated by a letter or letters followed by a number. The letter is to identify the lamp’s shape while the numerical designation is to identify the diameter of the lamp in an eighth of an inch. For instance, a G-30 lamp is a globe shape lamp with 3-3/4″ in diameter (30 ÷ 8 = 3-3/4). The most common shape for incandescent lamps and the one everyone knows is the A shape (A-19) – The A is only an arbitrary designation. Norburn Lighting – Vancouver’s Lighting Store since 1969. For Service Selection and Price.

BR = Bulged Reflector
F = Flame
G = Globe
PAR = Parabolic Aluminium Reflector
PS = Pear, Straight Neck
R = Reflector
T = Tubular

Lamp Shapes

Incandescent Lamp Shapes

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