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4600 Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2K5

Special Price Kitchen and Bathroom Items

Special Price Kitchen and Bathroom Items

Whether you are tackling a kitchen or bathroom renovation, it is always nice to be able to incorporate durable quality products that also look aesthetically pleasing.
Did you know that we offer some kitchen and bathroom products from Aquabrass, Baril, and Riobel, to name a few, that have special in-store pricing?
These brands are known for their quality kitchen and bathroom products that withstand the test of time in terms of performance and appearance.

The prices are only available in-store, so please stop by to check out the products:

  1. Madison by Aquabrass 
  2. Sens by Baril
  3. Equinox by Riobel
  4. Ludik by Riobel
  5. Zip by Baril
  6. Shower Kits by Riobel
  7. Hand Shower Kit by Riobel

Madison by Aquabrass 

Madison by Aquabrass is designed with a sleek and boxy structure making it perfect for the modern home.

Madison Bathroom Faucet by Aquabrass in Black

ABFB86014EBK (Black Finish)
Special Price:

 Madison Bathroom Faucet by Aquabrass in Polish Chrome

ABFB86014PC (Polish Chrome Finish)
Special Price: $199.95

Sens by Baril

Sens by Baril offers a more rounded-square design, and is great for large square sinks and also oval sinks.

Sens Bathroom Faucet by Baril in Matte Black

B45-1010-1PL-KK (Matte Black Finish)
Special Price: $379.95

Sens Bathroom Faucet by Baril in Chrome

B45-1010-1PL-CC (Chrome Finish)
Special Price: $284.95

Sens Bathroom Faucet by Baril in Nickel

B45-1010-1PL-NN (Nickel Finish)
Special Price: $469.95

Equinox by Riobel

Equinox by Riobel offers a sleek aesthetic that is perfect for a modern or contemporary space.

Equinox Bathroom Faucet by Riobel in Black

EQS01BK (Black Finish)
Special Price: $319.95

Equinox Bathroom Faucet by Riobel in Chrome

EQS01C (Chrome Finish)
Special Price: $259.95

Equinox Bathroom Faucet Widespread Version by Riobel in Chrome

EQ08C WideSpread (Chrome Finish)
Special Price: $389.95

Ludik by Riobel

Ludik by Riobel is designed with soft lines and a sculptural look. This kitchen faucet is also designed with a retractable 2-jet hand-spray.

Ludik Kitchen Faucet by Riobel in Chrome

LK101C Kitchen Faucet (Chrome Finish)
Special Price: $614.95

Zip by Baril

Zip by Baril is designed to have a timeless appeal. It has a sleek, and rounded profile.

 Zip Bathroom Faucet by Baril in Matte Black

B66-1010-1PL-KK (Matte Black Finish)
Special Price: $329.95

Shower Kits by Riobel

There are a number of shower kits available in different finishes and styles.
KIT1623 Shower Kit by Riobel

Special Price: $697.95

KIT1345C Shower Kit by Riobel

Special Price: $834.95

KIT1345EQC Shower Kit by Riobel

Special Price: $1198.95

KIT323EQC Shower Kit by Riobel

Special Price: $949.95

Hand Shower Kit by Riobel

Handshower Kit by Riobel in Matte Black

4835BK Shower Kit (Matte Black)
Special Price: $399.95

If you have any questions feel free to contact us or visit our showroom, our Specialist are always happy to help.

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